

Safeguard Checks

These visits are essential not only for seniors but to families afar.  As discussed earlier, safety is number one.  A Safeguard check includes a visit with your loved one in their residence. 

  • PERSONAL SAFETY:  We look for unsafe areas to help prevent falls in their place of residence.

  • Appearance and Demeanor: Is your loved one struggling  to accomplish  daily living and hygiene on their own. Are they feeling hopeless, lonely and depressed?

  • Medication monitoring Is your loved one taking medication as prescribed for example.

  • Room temperature: Is the air conditioner or heater working properly and set at a comfortable temperature.

  • Companionship:  visit and talk with your loved one. A time to figure out what their needs may be and if they need help with anything. A time to assess, plan and let them know that they are not alone and that we care.

Personal Shopper, Pick up & Delivery Services

Whatever your needs are we can help find what works best for you and your family. We understand as we age we may have limitations that prevent us from getting around like we used to. There are many options we can help you set up including accounts to order online or we can pick up your items and bring them to you.  Below are examples of services we include:

  • General errands 

  • Pick up prescriptions

  • Grocery shopping

  • Holiday shopping

  • Correspondence & writing

  • Post office drop off

  • Dry cleaning drop off and pick ups

  • Meal Planning

  • Help set up transportation to Dr. Appointments and social events

  • vehicle services

To name a few............

Don't see what your looking for, don't hesitate to ask!

Relocation Assistance

There comes a time in aging seniors lives when they must move because they can no longer live alone or care for themselves. 

Consider us your senior move manager.  Whatever your needs are we have solutions for you and your family. 

Let us take the stress off of you, by providing effective support during this new journey.

The next step depends on your needs. We can provide resources and referrals to finding your next home.

If you are looking to sell your home, we can help find a realtor and get your home staged and market ready.

We offer help dividing your personal items including what you will take with you, items to be given to family and friends and items to sell or donate.

Assistance with finding outside vendors such as cleaners and movers. 

Supervise movers on moving day, offer emotional support to ensure everything goes smoothly.

We look forward to serving you whether you want to downsize, move closer to family, find an Independent living facility, an Assisted living facility or a Skilled nursing home we are here to help get you to your forever home.


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